Our prime quality cut Christmas trees

HD NordicTrees' primary product is regular cut Christmas trees of prime quality. The majority of trees are Nordmann fir, although we also supply spruce and other varieties of Christmas trees, depending on supply and customer demand. We also supply greenery, potted Christmas trees and sale site equipment.

If you have any special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us and together we will find a solution to meet your requirements.

Cut Christmas trees

Nordmann fir - high quality Abies Nordmanniana

Nordmann firs are hardy but thrive best in areas with a mild climate all year round. Read more

Norway spruce (Picea Abies)

Spruce has been used as a Christmas tree for many generations and is often described in Denmark as "the perfect Christmas tree”. Read More

Other varieties

We supply Noble fir (Abies Procera), Abies Lasiocarpa, Picea Pungens Glauca, Picea Omorika, as well as various pines etc. Read more